Why Do We Only Use Part of Our Brains?

It is a well-known fact that we use only a small percentage of our total brain capacity. Yet many ask, why not use more of it? Why waste it? Does this indicate that humans are stupid and fail to use their whole brains? Some might argue that such a notion is obvious because you only need to drive on the freeway and wonder if these drivers are even using 1% sometimes? And maybe that is all they are using when they put up that single finger gesture to you while attempting to control their own car?

One thought on the amount of the brain used at any one time might be that we cannot use all of our brain simultaneously perhaps because if all the neurons were activated at once we might glow in the dark? Maybe that might be good for finding our way in a cave? But in all seriousness it seems that humans are not using their brains to their maximum and have not for a long time. In fact we know from other anatomy parts that if you do not use anything then you lose it.

There are indeed savants who can memorize abundant amounts of information and there maybe an upper limit to this and that could be an issue as well, because all this irrelevant information could cause meaningless clutter. A 16 year old who can finish University Level College course and receive a degree is indeed an anomaly in our day and age, but we do know that it is possible don