What Makes Viagra Click

Viagra is synonymous with ED. Since its debut in 1998, it has been responsible for reviving the sexual life of millions of erectile dysfunction (ED) sufferers worldwide. The most unique feature of Viagra is that unlike previously approved treatments for impotence, Viagra does not directly cause penis erection, but affects the response to sexual stimulation. The drug acts by enhancing the smooth muscle relaxation. This smooth muscle relaxation allows increased blood flow into certain areas of the penis leading to an erection.

Most of us crave for love and romance throughout our life. Romantic opportunities occur all the time but if you are suffering from erectile dysfunction then it might hamper your sex life and act like a villain in your love life. But thanks to Viagra, you can take care of your love life and make your intimate love a memorable one. As men with ED have reported that sex with Viagra is just plain satisfying and fruitful.
