White Sun - Six Dusts & Karmic Seeds

People tend to manifest their feelings or emotions when in contact with environmental changes for example suddenly get angry when someone says unkind words. Between mental activities and actions, there are some processes going on in our mind that finally certain decisions are made and actions done accordingly. We are always in a certain environment at anytime and anywhere. Some things are always happening in our surroundings and how do we sense and react to these changes in our environment depend on our cultivation. When in danger one will run for his dear life.

This action-reaction couple is constantly taking place and we may or may not be aware. When we are doing things in routine, like closing and locking the door after we leave our house, we may not remember whether we have actually locked the door of the house or the car after walking a few steps away asking ourselves, did I lock my car! We did it naturally and we let go of it also naturally without attachment. But for some changes in our environment, the mind makes a decision and takes an action to react to the environmental changes and then finally attached to it.

For example smoking where we know no one is born with a cigarette in his or her hand. After the first temptation to smoke the first cigarette at some time in one