When All Has Turned To Ashes, Enter Bliss : Explorations of the Vijnanabhairava Tantra

See the entire world as a blazing inferno. Then, when all has turned into ashes, enter bliss.

~ Vijnanabhairava Tantra, verse 53 [from Yoga Spandakarika: The Sacred Texts at the Origins of Tantra, by Daniel Odier]

Today we're going to explore this verse from the Vijnanabhairava Tantra, that most sublime conversation between Bhairava and Bhairavi, who ~ lovingly united in the same knowledge ~ left the undifferentiated state so that their dialogue might enlighten all beings. Or ~ in Taoist terms ~ who emerged from Wu Chi into Tai Qi, becoming the dance, within the manifest world, of Yin and Yang, both fully conscious of their Divine origins, and through every movement, every word, every thought of their dance, pointing to that Divinity