Are You A Genius? A Surprising Answer

Every Human Being Is An Inherent Genius

Hello! I'd like to ask you a question...

One that I often ask of others, about the capacity that we as human beings have for living with intentionality, purpose, integrity, wisdom and power.

And, here's the question...

"Do you believe you are a genius?"

Now, what was your reaction to my question?

I ask, because this simple question often catches people off guard. And...their responses are quite interesting. Because each of these capable, resourceful and intelligent people I'm in conversation with, almost without exception, tell me, "no, I'm not a genius."

Now, could that be a "self-fullfilling prophecy" for such a person? Meaning, if you believe you are not a genius, then wouldn't you naturally find yourself engaging in thinking, behaviors, and experiences that are on less than a genius level. Not because that is all you are capable of... but because that is simply what you have learned to believe about yourself.

The Fact Is...Every Human Being Is An Inherent Genius...Period

Now, If this is not yet an integral part of your belief system, it might be useful to you to try this on, at least as a possibility, for a short period of time. You can always go back to believing that only a select few are geniuses!

Now, many people bring up a valid point as I talk with them about being an inherent genius...

If we are all geniuses, why are so many human beings living with less than what they desire...and deserve?

And to that I say, there is no one reason as to why so many people are leading lives that do not reflect their genius capacity. However, I will mention three things that shed light on this matter:

1) Your overall attitude and belief system...including expectations that create and sustain less than desired performance and outcomes. Complacency, which is a manifistation of one's beliefs and values,falls into this category.

2) A lack of needed resources, such as a specific skill.

3) One's core relationships, that over time, create and sustain a powerful environment that supports who you are, your vision and the direction you are moving in...or not.

Concerning these three insights, I will have much more to say elsewhere. And for now... You can decide that you will not settle anymore...period. Why settle for what now matter how good it is...when there is always more!

Now, going with the belief, or at least the possibility, that every human being is an inherent genius...where then, did most people learn otherwise?

More importantly, if you were among the majority and, in the past, did not believe you were a genius...Where did you learn that you were "not a genius"... when in fact you are? Because if you are a human being with a healthy brain, then you are an inherent genius. Period.

Now, how consistently you engage your genius abilities and patterns is another matter altogether. The question for now is, have you had what you would consider to be "genius moments" and have you ever performed on a "genius level," with anything?

The reality for all of us, is that our past performance and experience reveals that we have indeed performed on genius levels at times. And, yet, most people, looking at such performance and moments conclude, "I'm intelligent, bright, ambitious, and even above average, but I wouldn't call myself a genius."

And Why Not?

What if from this moment on, in increasing measure, and on all levels, you now begin to identify yourself as the genius you are, with all the capabilities and promise that the concept "genius" implies? What then?

And as you think about that, please know that this site, the home of GeniusDynamics is designed to be a continually evolving resource for you to use to powerfully and effectively express more and more of your genius...

We are here to coach you in how you can powerfully use your conscious and unconscious resources to engage your inherent genius in more consistent... and most rewarding ways. To use your brain, your mind, your body, and your spirit on genius levels that will simply astonish you and take you beyond your current expectations.

To take you in the direction of, and literally into, your highest hopes and dreams...for yourself and those you love and care about. Together, we can and will, create an energy and momentum that will accelerate the pace of your generative success... and the deep enjoyment of your life and career. Period.

Copyright 2003 Alan Allard/GeniusDynamics

FREE weekly "Accelerate Personal Change" coaching letter at Alan Allard is a Life Coach specializing in accelerated personal change and is a clinical hypnotherapist, speaker and author. You can reach him at or 678-778-9012.