
Tents may be termed loosely as extremely elementary makeshift arrangements for shelter with a basic frame, which is usually covered with a heavy canvas or similar material. No matter what the type, tents are all very transportable and locomotive accommodations built for the sole benefit of a very mobile traveler.

If we look back at history, tents had come into proper use with the advent of war. Used to shelter soldiers, able and injured, they were a very cheap option for temporary settlers. Other uses outside warfare have of course developed over the years. They are widely used by people who prefer a nomadic life style, die-hard campers, hunters, and so on. These days designer tents have come up, which look sophisticated and stylish enough to house a meeting, a banquet or any similar other public event. The top of the tent which is normally a little decorated, with a tiny flag attached to it, is known as the apex. The area following the apex is the apron, while the rope that is attached to the apex is known as the guy rope.

Tents may be broadly classified into two basic types. They are the marquee (a very large structure with multiple poles) and a pavilion (a structure with a pointed roof). These days, shapes vary from a cone and a bell to a lean-to and a wall.

Over the years, the types of tents available have gone much beyond the traditional marquees and pavilions. Of course, the traditional tents haven