On Paying Attention

My life seemed to be operating at lightening speed.

Operating at lightening speed I unknowingly shifted into automatic pilot.

Operating at lightening speed seemed like survival.

Operating at lighten speed simply did not work.

Operating at lightening speed I stopped paying attention.

When I stopped paying attention, I neglected my health.

When I stopped paying attention, my career became routine.

When I stopped paying attention, I took my wife for granted.

When I stopped paying attention, my kids started to become a chore.

When I stopped paying attention, I became tunnel visioned.

When I stopped paying attention, I compromised my Self.

When I stopped paying attention, I drank way too much.

When I stopped paying attention, I prayed too little.

When I stopped paying attention, my Big Ideas did not work.

When I stopped paying attention, my life stopped working.

When I stopped paying attention, crisis became inevitable.

I have become a fan of crisis.

I have become a fan of crisis, because it woke me up.

I have become a fan of crisis, because it helped me realize my life was not working.

I have become a fan of crisis, because it got me to start paying attention.

When I started paying attention, I realized that honesty is ultimately all that matters.

When I started paying attention, I started making better health choices.

When I started paying attention, I made radical career changes.

When I started paying attention, I no longer took my wife for granted.

When I started paying attention, my kids became the joy of my life once again.

When I started paying attention, my vision expanded and widened.

When I started paying attention, I stopped selling out.

When I started paying attention, I developed a personal relationship with my creator.

When I started paying attention, I got sober.

When I started paying attention, I developed new Big Ideas.

Today I know so much more because I pay attention.

Today I know that I need to be careful of what I think, because I know my thoughts do make a difference.

Today I know that I need to be careful what I feel, because I know my feelings do make a difference.

Today I know I need to be careful what I do, because I know my actions do make a difference.

Today I know I need to be careful of the environments I put myself in, because I know the environments I put myself in do make a difference.

Today I know I need to be careful who I spend time with, because I know who I spend time with makes a difference.

Today I know I can not solve challenges with the same consciousness that I created them with.

Today I know that what I attract into my life is a reflection of my consciousness.

Today I know that even when I am paying attention, I might not be paying attention to what is most useful for me to be paying attention to.

Today I know I need other people who care about me and will tell me when I have drifted off course.

Today I know that there is a difference between getting to a good place in life and staying in a good place in life.

Today I know I need to have regular practices in my life to stay connected to the preciousness of life.

Today I know that when I am paying attention I do not need a crisis to connect me with what is right for me.

Today I listen to the quiet voice of my soul.

Today I listen to others.

Today I listen to the results in my life to tell me if I am on track.

Today I listen to my creator.

Today I have a greater reverence for all of life, including my own.

Today having a greater reverence for life is not simply something I do, it is who I am.

Today I show up more fully in my life.

Today I allow my life to be my message.


Dr. Mike Davison http://www.PartnersInPurpose.com http://www.PartnersInPurpose.Blogspot.com

If you have any questions about individualized consultation or coaching to help you live your big dream, please do not hesitate to contact me at mike@PartnersInPurpose.com .

Copyright, 2006. http://www.PartnersInPurpose.com All rights reserved. For more information, contact: Dr. Mike Davison 3295 N. Arlington Heights Rd. Suite 103 Arlington Heights, IL 60004 Telephone: (800) 470-3257 mike@PartnersInPurpose.com