Yoga in Practice: Anger Management - Part 2

The next obstacle is self-righteousness or delusion. This is the belief that you are right, even though the universal laws of morality say you are wrong. How can genocide be justified? How can one race, or religion, justify alienating another? How can innocent civilians be slaughtered for retribution?

Sorry to bring up such extremes, but self-righteousness and delusion are the tools of intolerance. Intolerance always justifies itself, no matter how many martyrs perish. If you want to control anger, please discard intolerance and judgment of others.

Very often, anger is created within the ego and is a response to imaginary threats. This is most ironic, when a full blown conflict erupts over a perceived threat, which did not really exist. So how can this violent chain of events, within the mind, be prevented? How can the ego and intolerance be controlled? - Through self-realization - also known as,