What Exercises are Beneficial for Asthmatics?

There are forms of exercising that are better for those who have asthma.

Certain forms of exercise will cause more wheeziness or chest tightness than others.

For example, running outdoors not as good as swimming.

Indeed swimming is one of the best forms of exercise for people with asthma because the swimmer is surrounded by warm, moist air.

On the other hand if the air you breathe during exercise is cold and dry, then the asthma will be worse.

If it is warm and moist, as with swimming, then the asthma will be not be as bad.

This tells us why swimming causes less asthma attacks than running, or other forms of exercise.

However, asthma and associated allergies can be complex as some asthmatics suffer worsening symptoms from the fumes (chlorine) in swimming pools.

The amount of time you exercise important as it usually takes at least six minutes of continuous exercise to trigger an exercise-induced asthma attack, and exercising for less time than this may not be enough to trigger an attack.

For a few hours after you have had the exercise-induced asthma, repeating the same amount of exercise will no longer produce the same amount of asthma symptoms, or may even produce no asthma symptoms at all.

In this way some patients are able to avoid exercise-induced asthma either exercising with short bursts.

Therefore asthmatics are particularly suited to sports and exercise, which consist of short bursts of activity with periods of rest in between.

While long-distance or cross-country running would be a bad choice of sport because they are undertaken outside in cold air without short breaks others are possible including