Santa Barbara Real Estate Comparison of this Year vs. Last for Hope Ranch Through December 30th '05

In the Hope Ranch Real Estate area of Santa Barbara Real Estate for the Condo Market there was no significant activity. There is a development called Carriage Hills which borders Hope Ranch and is included in the statistics for the area but for the entire period of 2005 there was only one recorded sale for $915,000.

In the Single Family Home market for the Santa Barbara Real Estate area of Hope Ranch Real Estate there are 15 fewer properties on the market right now as opposed to last year for a total of 64, and there are also fewer new listings this year with 67 for last year vs. 49 for this year. The sales are down with 31 this year vs. 37 last year for a -16% decrease. But the Average Sales Price is up with $2,633,287 last year to $3,906,371 this year for a 48% increase.

In the Planned Unit Development Market of the Santa Barbara Real Estate area of Hope Ranch Real Estate there was no activity because currently there are no Planned Unit Developments that are inside the Hope Ranch area. These types of complexes have been proposed from time to time, but currently there are no plans to build such structures.

That's it for Hope Ranch Real Estate for now.

Gary Woods is a Real Estate Broker in Santa Barbara California and is the Computer Trainer for the Santa Barbara Association of Realtors. You can hear him on Radio 1290 AM Mondays from 9-10AM in Santa Barbara