7 Strategies to Make Room for Money

Article Title: 7 Strategies to Make Room For Money
Author Name: Joanne Victoria
Contact E-mail Address: mailto:joanne@joannevictoria.com
Word Count: 1126, including signature box
Category: Motivation
Copyright Date: Updated 2004
All Rights Reserved Worldwide
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7 Strategies to Make Room For Money

Laws of the Attraction notwithstanding, there are several
external ways that you can make room for more money
in your life.

Yes, there are those of you who can manifest whatever
you want, whenever you want. This article is for
those of you who may need just a few extra tools.

First, it is vital to create a space that can be filled
with what you really want.

Start by going through your closets. Remove every article
of clothing, shoes, and purses you have not worn in at
least a year.

How do you know what to get rid of?

Use the following as a guide:

1. Use your intuition. Trust it.
2. Ask yourself if you love it.
3. Does it fit?
4. Do you use it?
5. Do you need it?
6. What memories does it bring up?
7. Again, use your intuition.

Take all of these clothes, shoes and purses to your local resale
store. You will start receiving money immediately.

Bonus feature: The space you have created will now be filled
with what you really want. Be patient.

Second, go through every drawer in your home and remove
all the junk.

You know what junk is.

Plastic forks from takeout; rubber bands and plastic bags
you are saving for some reason.

Men (and women!) go to the garage.

- How many screwdrivers do you really need?

- How many cans of old, unused paint are taking up space?

Clean out the garage and only put back in what you use.

Sell the rest at a garage sale or give to the Goodwill.

There, you have a tax credit as well as money.

Clean out your office desk. Throw away any document that is

I know, you are afraid you will throw something away
you may need in the future.

Well, I understand.

This particular article you are reading was originally written
in 1986. I did not throw it out. In 1986, I did not have
a computer, so here we are. Boy, am I glad I saved this.

The information still holds up.

Okay, back on track.

Create as much order as possible in your home, garage and
office. If you are a creative individual, this may be
difficult as creative types are visual and like to see
things. Make it work for you.

As you eliminate all this junk, you will start feeling a
sense of satisfaction, accomplishment and freedom.

If you do not have these feelings, you are not yet ready
to make room for money I your life.

Your desire and your feelings must be in alignment

You may also have feelings of fear and doubt. Learn to
trust yourself and allow the process to work for you.

Third, sit down and make a list of all the people
you do not have a great relationship with.

This list includes people you have judged, blamed or
criticized. This same list includes people who have judged
blamed or criticized you!

Visualize each individual, and, as you do, forgive them.

Forgiveness is one of the most important tools for making
money in your life. Generate appreciation towards these
individuals in order to heal yourself.

Eliminate grudges. Grudges contract the body, mind and
spirit. Release and let go. Step by step, expansion is
on the way.

Fourth, pay your bills on time. It is very important to keep
your money agreements, so pay your bills graciously.
If you avoid paying certain obligations because you have
insuffieienct funds, or are displeased with the service of
someone whom you owe money, use visualization.

Bring these people into your mind