Free Dish Network Deals FAQ

First come first, is free Dish Network deals for real?

Yes, free Dish Network offers are for real. You can get free satellite TV equipments along with other free gifts such as DVR systems, DVD players and home theater systems for free when you subscribe to their service. However, this offer is only valid for the first time customer and you must commit yourself to one to one-and-a-half year contract.

What kind of satellite TV systems are the users getting from these free deals?

You will get up to four satellite receivers, a satellite dish as well as DVR systems (certain package) for free when you subscribe to Dish Network free deals. For satellite receivers, the system you will be getting probably will be Dish 311 and Dish 322; while for DVR systems, Dish Player DVR 510 is most likely the only DVR system that you can get for free. Other DVR systems such as DVR 625 and DVR 942 will cost you $19.90 to $250 for initial fees.

How does Dish Network make money?

Dish Network and their retailers are making money thru monthly subscription fee. To get your free Dish Network deals, you must commit yourself to one to one-and-a-half year contract. A basic Dish Network package will cost you around $30/month, so be prepared to pay for the money for at least one year if you are looking for free Dish Network offers.

Why get free Dish Network online?

You can see the steepest competition in satellite TV business on Internet. Whenever there