What Do You Need to Know About Stem Cells?

Researches in medical science have been in development since the early existence of mankind. Since ancient times medical treatments have undergone huge advancement in the type of remedial options practiced for the cure of existing ailments in human body. The latest development in medical science is the use of stem cells for restoration of health. Stem cells in general term refers to the fertilized human embryo that has an ability to develop into any other 220 types of cells present in an adult human body. There is also another from of stem cell which is a particular cell found in every adult or even a child. This adult stem cell is supposed to be capable of generating a specific type of new cells that are required for the person suffering from any cell degeneration disease. While the later type of stem cell i.e. cells from adults hardly raise any controversial issues the former cells obtained from fertilized human embryo is a topic for hot debate among people with different mind sets.

Men have been suffering from many forms of diseases since the advent of mankind and this has been a cause of great suffering for many people who are unfortunately attacked by some incurable health hazard. The most common diseases being the Alzheimer