Success Strategies - The Success Secrets of Small, Simple, Adjustments

Success sometimes takes a simple, little thing, not a big one. A small tweak, not a major change.

And one of the most powerful Success strategies is the Power of the Small, Simple Adjustments that can make HUGE quantum leaps in your life.

The word SMALL stands for:

"Success (is) Making Adjustments (through) Lots (of) Littles."

Many times, we tend to look at the big things that need adjusting, and changing. That could include personality, goals, communication, and leadership. There is nothing wrong with that as that is needed many times to reconstruct a Success Structure within. And there are good reasons to do so as well. Especially when you are leading an organization that has thousands of folks.

But leading yourself is a whole different story and requires "Lots of Littles." Little changes that are easy to make, and highly effective.

Why do people take the time to do what many times is not needed in their Success Journey?

They tend to complicate the easy changes. They have a tendency to confuse the perfectly clear.

We waste time in our Success pursuit trying to reinvent ourselves, when Small, Simple Adjustment would work wonders. Small adjustments in what you think, say, and do in your Success Journey on a daily basis.

A Small, Simple, Adjustment for your Thinking, would be to understand that you control your thinking, or be aware that someone else does that has influenced you. You need simply to make a small adjustment in your perception of your thinking.

Imagine that your mind contains a DVD player, and you can put on your DVD any movie that you want. Instead of viewing on your DVD a weak, failure prone life and mediocre day, you need to put on your DVD a powerful, Successful day and life, and failure is not a possibility.

DVD stands either for