Link Exchange - Free Backlinks or Paid Link Exchange Services - Which Is Best?

Link exchange is a must - First of all, link exchange is an essential part of search engine optimization and website traffic. A constant effort at exchanging links will result in more and more steady web traffic and an gradual increase in search engine rankings on all 3 major search engines.

Manual link exchange is slow - However, link exchange done manually can be very, very time consuming. I have found that when I search for relevant sites, email the site owner, finally contact someone, post the links, etc. It can take up to 2-3 hours just to find one good backlink. I hardly think this is worth the time.

Join a link exchange service - One way to get more links at a time, is to join a link exchange service. This can be a big time saver. These services are also usually free or low priced.

Buying text links? - There is also the possibility of buying text links, which are usually much more expensive and the link is a one-way link. The problem that I see with these types of links, is that they require a long term commitment of sometimes hundreds or thousands of dollars in order to see any result. Also, if you do see a result, then you are really locked in to paying the monthly fee for the link.

I prefer methods of getting backlinks, where I can exchange many links with many people for a small fee. I havent had much success with free link exchange programs, nor expensive ones, but more success with programs that are right in the middle.

View our recommended link exchange program online to get thousands of backlinks, fast and cheap.