The Rapture - What is it? When Will it Happen? Where is it in the Bible?

Just about everyone has heard someone mention ' The Rapture ', when they talk about the return of Jesus Christ. There probably isn't a word that causes as much conflict as the word rapture, does. I here folks constantly saying: ' There is NO word rapture in the Bible! '.

I have read the NIV version of the Bible from beginning to end, and it is true the word 'rapture' was not found. I have also read parts of and studied the King James Bible since I was a child, and I have never seen the word, ' rapture ', in it. So is the rapture made up ? NO. The Rapture is clearly mentioned in the bible, let me explain.

"Rapture" is derived from the Latin verb: 'rapere', of 1 Thess. 4:17