How a Simple Physics Experiment Made Me Think About Business in a Completely Different Way

When you were a kid, did you do physics experiments?

I did. Even now, I can still remember how thrilled I was to see how stuff worked. But you know how it is: when you grow up, you seem to lose interest in such "childish games".

But it was a physics experiment that made me think about business in a completely different way.

I was trying to explain my son about friction. As you know, friction exists when an object moves on a surface. The object and the surface both grind and drag against each other. The moving object loses energy and speed, and is forced to stop eventually.

To demonstrate this, I took a small wooden disc, and skid it on a (sort of) rough surface. As was to be expected, because of the friction between the disc and the surface, it soon grinded to a halt.

Then it was my son