Skimping on Sleep Increases Your Risk of Breast Cancer

Finnish researchers recently analyzed sleep patterns in a large group of women over the course of many years. They found that women who regularly slept less than 6 hours a night had a 10 percent greater risk of breast cancer compared with those who always slept 7 or 8 hours per night. And the women who got the most sleep (more than 8 hours) had a significant 72% reduction in breast cancer rates!

Most American adults report that they get 6 hours of sleep or less on most nights. Could the simple act of getting more sleep could make a significant difference in the nation's breast cancer rates?

What's the connection between sleep and disease?

The link between stress and disease is well-documented. The hormones that your body produces in response to physical and emotional stress lower your resistance to disease, damage your organs and blood vessels, and accelerate the aging process. It