The True Nature of Moments - Part I

Let's discuss the true nature of moments and Moment, because grasping the depth of this will help you to see exactly what it is you are doing when you experience the many rather than the One. The knowledge is so important that it will also give you a foundation for a new way of understanding the space/time Universe, the nature of Awareness, consciousness, and even the unbounded Infinity of the Void.

Making moments out of Moment is equivalent to the perceptual dividing of this wholeness, or Oneness, into fractions. Each of these fractions has finite defining values, and the values for each one are, in turn, fractions of the whole dimensions that, together, constitute Moment. However, this division is illusory, since the One cannot really be divided into anything. Narrowing the focus of consciousness through the assignment of finite values, which are also limiting parameters, is what accomplishes the illusion of division.

For example, a joyful moment may last for 10 minutes, while Oneness, or Moment, is infinite (timeless, or not limited by the dimension of time). The 10-minute joyful moment has two limiting parameters, joyful and 10 minutes, and these parameters distinguish this moment from all others in the perception of the Experiencer.

Therefore, this example of a 10-minute joyful moment is measured along two dimensions: duration (time, 10 minutes) and emotional frequency (joyful). These two delimited values, while fractions themselves, together define a fraction of the wholeness of Moment. I will refer to fractions of dimension as dimensionals in order to avoid confusion with whole dimensions.

While Moment is Oneness, the multiplicity in Experience results from the repetitive addition of dimensional distinctions to it. This repetition is the increasing iteration (aniteration) of the One into the many; while reversing the process towards the recognition of simultaneous Unity, or Oneness, is a process of decreasing iteration (catiteration) of the many into the One. As soon as I realized this, I recognized that moments are fractalic of Moment. This means that what we call moments are fractional representations of Moment, produced by a self-similar repetitive process (iteration). Once this became clear to me, I understood that making the many out of the One was just like generating a complex fractal structure from a simple equation!

This understanding is of fundamental importance because it gives us the basis for the difference between the "All is One" understanding of the Enlightened, and the everyday state that the rest of us are in.

LariAnn Garner - EzineArticles Expert Author

LariAnn Garner has sought the meaning of life since her teenage years. This quest has led her through versions of Christianity as well as the Edgar Cayce material, Lobsang Rampa, the work of Robert A. Monroe, the Bartholomew material, Ramana Maharshi, and more. She lives currently in Florida, USA. Her first published book is Fractalic Awakening - A Seeker's Guide. More information is available at