Splashing Through Fear and Swimming Toward Joy

I had a deep yearning to feel like a kid again so I invited two of my nephews to join me for a day of fun at a nearby waterpark. Even though they had never been to a waterpark, they enthusiastically accepted my invitation and immediately decided that it was going to be tons of fun.

Once we arrived at the park, my nephews told me they would not be going down the big slides. They preferred to stay in the wave pool and the kiddie pool. I went along with this for a while. I had to wonder what those huge water slides looked like through the eyes of little people. I understood that it looked a bit scary and yet, I was eager for them to know how much fun it is to go down those slides.

Eventually, I was able to coax them into agreeing to go down a super slide. The closer we got to the slide, the more I saw fear come to life. As we climbed the stairs, I tried to make good use of my coaching skills as I encouraged them and acknowledged their bravery. Despite my best effort, a few tears began to fall as their fears became more intense. One of them said,