Checklist for Starting Your New Business

Are you ready to start your own business? Before you say yes, go through this simple checklist

Emotion, Drive and Tenacity are all essential ingredients for business success, but hold off on that inner fire until your business opportunity can pass this simple checklist

Checklist for any business opportunity

1. Get your product in the hands of potential customers early on for feedback.

2. Find your target market. It's fine to branch off to other areas after you've become established. However in the beginning, focus on a small narrow niche. For example instead of "golf players" focus on female golf players under 30, etc...

3. Protect and nurture your business idea. Get all necessary patents and contracts.

4. Give your target customers what they want and need, free incentives, information, and good customer service

5. Make sure you have enough money and other resources for your business venture.

6. Use your skills and do something you enjoy. If you enjoy building websites, start a website design business, etc...

7. Make sure that there will be a continued need for your type of business. Don't start a company that will become obsolete because of new technology or any other reason.

8. If your company will need a skilled labor force, make sure you will be able to fulfill that requirement.

Were you able to say yes to everything on the checklist? If so you have a solid foundation to start your business upon.

Claire Satcher
Owner/Applied Online Business