Car Wash Equipment Robotics, Robot Car Dryers No Tipping

One of the most difficult challenges in the Car Wash Industry is of course the labor. The Car Wash Industry is one of the most labor-intensive businesses there is and controlling the labor costs is a key to profitability. But finding low cost labor must be complimented with finding the quality labor, which is well groomed, honest and respectful of the customers and their cars. If not you will lose customers and repeat business.

Most full service car washes average about a 15-20% regular customer rate and to sustain a higher repeat customer grouping the customer has to feel good about their car wash experience. If this is done correctly the repeat business will be paralleled by word of mouth referrals to their friends, business associates and/or family members. So, it is critical to get the best possible labor and watch the costs. But there will soon maybe a better way to do all this and more. How so you ask? Well, thru robot workers of course.

Enter the age of the Robotic Car Wash. Actually robotics in car washing is nothing new, in fact it has always been a very automated operation, then again so has the entire automotive industry since Henry Ford