How to Invest Your Money Like a Millionaire

Do you think you can't invest wisely until you've got a good stash of money?

If you said yes, than that's the wrong answer; and it's not what you should be doing if you ever want to become wealthy. Whatever your answer, if you want to learn how to invest wisely, I know I can help you.

We'll start with your objectives.

Every investor's objectives will be different, and it depends on your specific needs and desires. Maybe you'd like to retire, but don't want your income to drop. You therefore need a good passive revenue stream.

Or, maybe you want to build a solid equity base that grows by more than the typical 5-7% per year (or maximum 12%) that most people see. I look for investments that will give me at least 20% return. This equity base (your net worth) gives you much more leverage to live how you want later in your life.

Once you've decided on your objectives, you will need to consider your investment opportunities. When you do, you will want to be sure that they will fit in with:

1. Your visions - the investments you choose should bring back enough return so that you can reach your financial goals.
2. Your values - your chosen investments should never compromise your integrity in any way.

When you know the parameters you are dealing with, it will help you sift through the myriad of investment opportunities that will inevitably come your way.

Next, decide whether you want to be an active or passive investor (or both). Neither is better than the other, but one might appeal to you more. Active investing is when you have a direct involvement in the investment.

Passive investing is when you up the money and rely on other people to manage the investment. If you think you can only do this if you've got several hundred thousand to spare, think again. My clients invest with far less.

How you invest dramatically affects how you manage and spend your time. Active investing obviously requires more work on your part, but these kinds of investments tend to have much bigger returns. As a wealth coach who specializes in making people millionaires, I usually recommend that my clients have both types of investments.

Finding investment opportunities is not a problem. Once you start looking, they will pop out of the woodwork. As a novice investor, you may not be able to differentiate between good and bad investment ideas. That's why it's important to have what I call a Wealth Team, which includes a mentor, colleagues, and very good legal and accounting advice.

However, you don't make your decisions based only on what these professionals tell you. You need to educate yourself as much as possible about the various kinds of investment opportunities available to you: their relative risk, their expected return, the potential downside, and the credibility of the other players in the investment deal.

Your team will educate you quite well on the basics, but if you want to be wealthy - and really lessen your risks - you will need to do plenty of your own research too.

There is no one-size-fits-all investment strategy. Every decision you make with regard to your overall investment strategy - and even on each investment - must be based on your personal objectives, values, and circumstances. And you can only make these decisions when you know what you want and fully understand what's out there.

Wealth building is possible for anyone who learns and uses the right skills at the right time. Loral Langemeier literally creates millionaires, and she does it using a well-honed and tested system that anyone can learn. Creating sustainable wealth does not need to remain a mystery! Order your copy of The Millionaire Maker today: