Steak Recipes

Steaks are the easiest to prepare among all the meats. Tender steaks like the sirloin and the T-bone (filet mignon is the tenderest but it is very expensive and not easily available in the markets) are usually grilled. Most recipes differ in the marinade that is to be applied to the steak. Marinades use wine, lemon juice, soy sauce, tomato juice, etc; or even fruits like papaya and pineapple. Steaks are marinated for 6 to 24 hours, depending on the recipe and then placed on the grill. A charcoal grill is the best bet to get the restaurant-like flavor. Based on the tenderness of the steak, they are turned twice or thrice to get the desired level of doneness. Steaks should not be disturbed when they are grilling, as this does not allow the crust to form on their sides. Also they should not be poked with forks as this would allow the juices to run out of the steak.

Among the best known recipes of steak preparation is the B