What's It All About?

The greatest miracle in the universe is the human brain! It's the only thing known to exist, that gives purpose to existence! Without our incredible ability to think things through to fuller understanding, all the countless galaxies in the universe, would be just so much useless matter dotting the night sky, for no intelligent eyes to see.

What's it's all about? If you believe that "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.", I have few questions for you. I know, I know... you're not supposed to ask questions about 'God almighty'. It's blasphemous, sacrilegious, against the rules. You're supposed to be a 'true believer' and accept everything on 'blind faith'. You do want to conform and be accepted by your church, synogogue, or mosque, right? Right!

Nobody wants to be 'rock the boat', get rejected and become the 'black sheep' of the comunity. For thousands of years, people have believed whatever they've been taught. They 'joined the choir' to sing in harmony with the rest of their flock. It's much easier and more rewarding that way. Right?

Of course, if everyone took 'the easy way', we'd still be living in caves! Human life without challenge, is unrewarding existance. Timid conformists don't become leaders. Your potential is only as great as your steadfast determination to achieve it. Greatness demands extraordinary courage.

How rational are you? Sorry, let me rephrase that... You are obviously an open minded person, or you wouldn't still be reading this flagrent heresy. Well, maybe you can help me out here. If it was "THE beginning", it was the beginning of time, space and matter. Now, "God created the heaven and the earth." Right? Unquestionably!

Now, I realize that's "the gospel truth" but, here's what I can't figure out... I thought that you can't make something out of nothing. I mean, He made Adam out of dirt and Eve out of Adam's rib (and men been taking a ribbing ever since) so... what did He make all those billions of galaxies out of? What did He stand on? Where was He one minute before the beginning? Does he ever eat, sleep, breathe, have sex, get a haircut, urinate? Please forgive me for asking such outrageous questions.

'God only knows.' right? That's what I like most about religion, you don't have to ask questions. or (God forbid) think things through for yourself. It's so simple. Just be a good little sheep and follow your loving shepherd whever he leads you... even into the slaughter house!

Do I believe in a 'supreme power' that controls the entire unoverse? Definately! Is it a loving grandfatherly 'spirit'? Gimme a break!! It has no brain but, it's the ultimate intelligence! It has no hands but, it creates everything! It's not alive but it will exist forever! There's a common word for it for this incredible miracle maker. What is it? You know.

Thank you for reading this stuff. You're made from iron!

Next: "What's In A Word?"

Positively yours, Richard Horland.

I started asking "What's it all about?" in high school I wracked my brain for years. Then, slowly I began to see the causes that produced the effects and complexity bgecame simplified. What's happiness" What's truth? Why are we here? I can answer each of these age-old these inigmas with one simple question, so obvious that no on can intelligently disagree. Can you do that? Please visit: http://lovemagnet.net/Cause.htm