Rebuilding Credit-Perhaps a Good Change is in the Cards!

People call me crazy. Once, every 6 months, like clockwork, I get a wild hair cut and make some type of major change in my life. It's not on purpose, mind you, it just always seems to work out that way.

I move the living room furniture around; I knock out a wall in the bathroom and remodel it into a more usable space; I paint the bedroom a dramatically different color. It doesn't matter what it is (it's a good thing my husband has a strong heart!) as long as it's something different, it usually gives me satisfaction.

Why? When most people are so afraid of change, why do I almost thrive on such frequent upheavals in my environment?

Perhaps I want to keep myself always fresh, always out of a rut. It also gives me something to focus on when I'm working through some tough issues in my life.

Now, I'm the kind of person that would happily pick up and move to another city, if it would give us enough benefits to justify the change. Let me tell you about a friend of mine.

They had just gone through some really tough family issues, and had some heavy-duty medical bills result that ruined their credit. Rebuilding credit was at their top of their list