Home Based Income: Creative Mom's Are Working At Home

Somewhere between being totally computer illiterate and one more
lame attempt to figure out my email I had a brilliant thought.

Wow just THINK of the possibilities of this internet thing for making
CRAZY money. I mean a global audience? That was some large market!
In that moment my home based internet make money aspirations were born.

My epiphany was hardly new. Hundreds and thousands
of other net savvy folks had already figured this out.

In the Beginning ..

Mostly I kept chanting 'must make money in sleep' While scrambling here
and there and everywhere on the net trying to figure it all out until I had
another mind blowing realization.

Making money on the net (just like other places) requires
time, patience and work. There are no 'get rich overnight' quick fixes.

That my friends is the bad news.

The good news is that in no other time in human history has the average Joe
and Suzan possessed the ability to be in a business literally overnight with
virtually no overhead and little cost. This truly IS the Good news for thousands
of every day people and especially stay at home moms looking for a fast startup home based business.

Stay at home moms suddenly experiencing household budget shortfalls increasingly turn to the 'power of the net' as a their preferred cash crunch solution. The ideal course of action is to not simply seek out programs and 'systems's' that focus on short term gains but instead those that will help to insure financial security for many many years to come.

So what if you (like me when starting out) don't know one end of an email from the other. The first thing I would say is this .. EVERYONE starts out that way. Heck if we all started out knowing everything there wouldn't be a reason to know anything! If you have a desire to learn your only other immediate requirement will be persistence.

There is a VAST treasure trove of high quality and free learning resources on the internet. Are you motivated enough to seek them out?

Just A Few More Friendly Suggestions Before You Begin ..

Avoid getting caught up on the internet opportunity bandwagon.

There is an over abundance of hype on the net. Learn to view opportunity and especially internet opportunity with a discriminating and discerning eye but without becoming closed minded and blinded to very real possibilities. Keep and maintain the focus of your mission which is to find a personally satisfying way to MAKE more money, not create more debt.

RESIST the temptation to pull out your credit card to join the 'next hot opportunity.' There is not now and will never be a shortage of hot opportunities on the net. If you find that you missed out on opportunity XYZ - Don't worry another will be along momentarily! Sooner or later EVERYONE learns that the lion share of 'hot new opportunities' are not hot at all. Most of them aren't very new either! Learn to guard your wallet and purse strings like an old prospector that has yet to discover gold.

I disagree with some current 'experts' and say that YES you certainly CAN make money with free resources and even cookie cutter websites. Using free resources is a great way to gain experience without loosing money. You are not likely going to retire by using free resources exclusively but they can serve an even higher purpose. You'll get your feet wet and learn a little bit while hopefully making a few bucks in the bargain!

The Dreaded Four Letter Word ... W O R K

Even if you are promoting affiliate programs with free websites there is still some work to be done. Don't let that fact trouble you much. Allow your work journey to be a good learning AND earning experience. You'll find this much better than going broke buying into the next latest - greatest - hot opportunity - widget or whatever.

In the mean time put some serious thought into what it is that you REALLY want to accomplish in your online work at home business creation.

If your goal is to make obscene money in a week or two keep playing the lottery. If on the other hand you find yourself 'hooked' on the idea of learning on the net and building wealth as a method of achieving permanent and long term financial security then congratulations - you are REALLY ready to begin a fascinating journey!

Develop a NEW mantra 'love what you do and success will follow.'

When confident and ready to make a commitment envision your success. Wisely choose your project and get it going....

Yes in time everyone has to part with some cash if they hope
to grow it into more cash. Even the lottery makes that demand.

Plan on ultimately spending both time and money to realize your goals.

The 'experts' will all tell you that most people will fail in their endeavor to create substantial income on the internet. While this is most likely true it can probably be traced to unreal expectations from the start.

Business and in particular internet business can be extremely unforgiving. This is especially true for people living on pipe dreams. Make a pledge to not be one of them.

Eventually you'll want to discover your own special niche.

Rediscover or perhaps discover for the first time what it is that you know and then develop a passion to share your gifts with others. Not only will you be much happier you'll personally guarantee your own success!

You simply cannot fail if you love what you do and then plan to succeed..

As I contemplate my own internet adventures (and some misadventures)I often think .. "many would have given up." The reason I did not is because I have learned to enjoy the journey (ok I admit that waking up to my inbox with subject lines saying things like 'you got paid' doesn't hurt either!)

Enjoy the journey and you simply cannot fail!

About the Author:

Michael Stevenson is the owner of several successful ventures and internet properties including http://residual-success.com/

He can be reached anytime by simply writing to: info@residual-success.com

The "The Perfect Revenue Maker For Stay At Home Moms" No it's Not what you think - stuffing envelopes or any of that other mindless stuff .. Find Your Details At ==> http://residual-success.com/work-at-home-mom