The Three Stages of Healing - Verbal, Physical or Sexual Trauma

Yes, healing verbal, physical or sexual trauma is possible. The recovery process requires a multifaceted therapeutic process, facilitated by a professional who is trained in mind, body, spirit healing. Traditional therapy focuses on treating symptoms. Treating symptoms focuses on the symptomatic coping mechanisms the person used to survive the pain, i.e. drug/alcohol abuse, eating disorders, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, co-dependency, chronic fatigue syndrome, migraine headaches, arthritis, cancer, MS, sexual addiction, etc. The goal of traditional therapy is to create better coping mechanisms. While better coping mechanisms help the person feel better, coping is coping and the person has to struggle to keep the coping mechanisms in place. In contrast once the emotional pain associated with the experience has been identified and healed the person is free to life their life as they choose without struggling to keep coping mechanisms in place.

In order to heal, the root cause of the emotional pain needs to be accessed, processed and healed. Treating 'root cause' focuses on the experience the person endured