Help Your Employee With Asperger Syndrome Get into the Flow of Your Office Routines

After happening across an article on Asperger Syndrome, Jack wrote me about his new employee with whom he was quite pleased and also quite baffled. Jack talked about the similarities he saw between Al, his new employee, and the characteristics of a person with Asperger syndrome. Al was hired because he excels in understanding and managing the software systems this business uses. The problem arose with the more routine skills that did not come naturally to Al, but are crucial to work place survival.

Jack was not sure how or whether to suggest to Al that he explore a possible Asperger diagnosis, but what Jack was sure of, was that some steps had to be taken in order to keep Al on as his employee. We decided not to worry about what the diagnosis might be, if indeed there was one, and concentrate on helping Al with behavior change and independence.

Following are four specific and concise action steps Jack and I designed in a series of email exchanges:

Goal #1 Getting Comfortable with the Plan
