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As people, we all fall short of perfection. We are all sinners by nature and we all need a big time revision in our lives before God can choose and use us. If we wait for perfection we will never see the kingdom of God.

It's true that many people in Christ's lineage were far from perfect. Rahab was a prostitute but she found favor in God's eyes when she helped Joshua and Caleb. King David was an adulterer and murderer. They were used by God because they repented and turned to God for wisdom. This is what makes us or breaks us in the eyes of God who gives everyone the same opportunity. God is an equal opportunity employer. The only thing is, not everyone takes the offer and loses their own life in the end.

"How much better it is to get skillful and godly Wisdom than gold! And to get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver." Prov. 16:16 (Amplified)

The beginning of knowledge is to have reverevtial fear of the Lord the Bible says. God wishes that we seek Him to gain wisdom, not to be wise in our own eyes. When we get that godly Wisdom, then God can choose us and use us to advance His kingdom. So, we must first seek wisdom through God. This the first step to being used by Him.

Many people in the Bible were sinners in the worst sense but later God used them to change the course of the world all because they sought after God.

Abraham who is the Father of many nations, a man that God blessed abundantly was a sinner in the sense that he went out of God's will and followed his doubtful wife's advice. Abraham was promised a son by his wife Sarah, but instead of waiting, he took Hagar the maid to sire his son Ishmael. So, Abraham was an adulterer. God still used him and kept His promise because Abraham was a great man of faith.

Jacob swindled his older brother out of his inheritance. But all that changed when Jacob wrestled with God and demanded his blessings. Jacob finally realized that God was omnipotent and he followed Him. God used him too.

Then there was one of biggest men of faith, Noah. Who could build an ark for 120 years and never doubt God? Noah was a mighty man of faith but the fact was, he was a drunk. The only difference was he knew God first and found his godly Wisdom because of it.

What about Samson? We all remember him from Bible stories as a hero. But the truth is, he was a womanizer. He lusted after women he was not to be with. In the end, his own pride and stubborness killed him. Still in the end he turned to God and realized his mistake.

Moses, a very godly man was used by God to free the Israelites from Egypt. He killed a man and then tried to cover it up. This isn't good but God doesn't look at that, He looks at our hearts, our motives. Do we seek His Wisdom?

The worst offender of all was probably the wisest man of all and that was the apostle Paul. His life before Christ could be compared to Hitler. Paul murdered innocent men, women and children and took pleasure in it. But, after he met Christ on the road to Damascus, he then saw the Light, literally and God used him to convert many people to Christianity and he wrote 1/3 of the New Testament.

Many Christian teachers today have the biggest impacts on new believers because they have literally been to hell and back. God uses people to gain trust in others and who have had first hand experience of a life without God. They know what they are talking about.

The whole point of this is to let you know that no matter what you may have done, or are even participating in right now, there's nothing God can't fix. God wants to choose you and use you! But the choice is totally up to you.

"For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome." Jer. 29:11 (Amplified)

God loves us and wants nothing but the best for us, but...Satan uses his words that lead to death and if we continue to listen to him, we will surely die. But, God's words are truth that will lead to eternal life. He wants to give us hope in our final outcome! Who will you believe?

There is so much going on right now in front of our very eyes, but we can't see them. It's a virtual war zone, but it's spiritual. It's a battle for your soul. We are caught in the middle of a mighty clash between the powers and principalities who want to imprison us into a life of confusion, depression, poverty and total misery.

Then there's the other side, the winning side. This is God's side. He releases His Spirit which enters into our souls and then allows us to "see" our battles. God turns on the Light of Life. When we operate in the flesh, we will always be stumbling in the dark and remain blind. Satan uses this tactic to perk up our hearing for what we lack in our sight. When we can't see, we depend on our hearing and what we hear is Satan's lies and they become even louder. He knows this will keep us bound in chains.

For most people who are in the world, their hearing has over compensated for their eyesight and this kind of living becomes normal. They think depression, unforgiveness, greed, hate, fear and doubt are normal. Don't be fooled.

Christ came so that you can see the Truth of what God wants for you. He means to give you life with contentment, peace, love, joy, patience and compassion. This grace will prosper you and won't overcome you with poverty of the soul.

It's never too late to turn all this around. God allows U turns when you're headed in the wrong direction. By accepting Christ as your Savior, a light will come on and you will then begin to see the truth. Once your spiritual eyes are opened your vision will be better than 20/20.

To cross over to the winning side is only to confess all your sins, past, present, and future to Jesus and give them to Him so He can throw them away in the sea of forgetfulness. All these things will be forgotten and never brought back to hurt you. It's just as if God takes out His big eraser and removes all these black marks that were under your name. Once He does that, He then gives you a new name and carefully writes it in His Book of Life. This guarantees your entrance into His Kingdom for eternity.

Instead of being held hostage by a killer, we are now a bondservant to Christ. This means when we serve the King of kings and Lord of lords, He guarantees our victory in every battle. No matter how bad they seem to be, the enemy can not touch you. Being a captive of Christ means you are finally set free!

Then one day as we enter into heaven, we will see Abraham, Jacob, David, Rahab, Moses, and Samson along with many other sinners who cheated death by choosing the winning side. They all chose to submit to God's will and His wisdom. They sought His face so they could serve Him. They have all been given the key to righteousness and opened the door, which is through Christ. This is the entrance into the Holy of Holies. There is a party going on right now to the likes you nor I have ever seen. Just make sure your name is on the invitation.

In the meantime, while you are still here on earth, ask God how He can use you to advance His kingdom. What kind of ministry is He calling you for? God uses all His children that He chooses. Let Him hire you for the job He chose for you before you were ever born!

Vivian Gordon - EzineArticles Expert Author

Vivian Gordon is led by the Holy Spirit to reach out and give the Christian and non Christian alike something to think about in their own lives. These articles are meant to edify the reader and bring them deeper. They are based on spirituality, inspiration, and today's morals and how we need to get back to basics.