How to Get Happily Married to a Lively Bird, You Make a Wrong Choice Go Straight to Divorce Court

It happens almost with all pet shop owners when a un-suspecting customer comes for a look at your shop and while going round meets that superb exotically colored Macaw who greets him with a enthusiastic Hi and soon he realizes How wonderful it would look in his house and within a few minutes he is on his way back with his new found Love A parrot.

Now do you know if that particular lover loves enough? I have seen marriages going sore in two years because the lovers were not finding themselves loving enough. Now what with this macaw, his new Crush? who lives close to 100 years and have a special dietary requirements , needs to be let out, fed and handled daily unlike your spouse. This ignorance might lead to a unhappy marriage ending with a dejected pet owner and a bird in a wretched condition.

So if you intend for a happy marriage with your pet then choose your spouse well and none of you complain. How do you go about looking? Are there tips ? Sure there are. The essence of pet keeping is choosing a pet which suits your conditions and temperament right.

What Size Bird is Best for You?

Its common sense that bigger birds will obviously need bigger commitments involved in keeping them healthy. Though large birds are great as companions they are a messy , louder and more demanding than many of the smaller breeds. It