The Effects of Pepper Spray And Its Antidote


Pepper spray is made from the essence of the chili pepper. It is diluted with water to a specific percentage (usually 5% to 15%) and mixed primarily with propellants and UV dye (for police protection). Some products are mixed with tear gas (Mace Triple Action) for purported extra effectiveness. Products have specific spray patterns and forms. These are all effective and are not crtitcal in the decision process. A sprayer expels its contents in short bursts. Buy at least a 2 oz product to have 8-10 shots. Expect the stream to reach 8-12 feet.


O.C. (the active ingrediant in pepper spray) is an inflammatory agent that casues distress to the mucous memebranes. That's why it's important to aim the spray at the face and eyes of a would-be attacker. The eys will shut as they tear and sting, he will gasp for breath and cough. The effects last 20-40 minutes certainly enough time to flea the scene or call the police.

How safe is pepper spray? With a reasonable dosage in a healthy individual with no resporatory illnesses we can say pepper spray is safe. Recovery time is quick with no lasting effects other than perhaps a mild headache.


Why an antidote? Perhaps you have inadvertatly sprayed yourself while handling the device (unliely with reasonable care. They all have saftey caps). Perhaps you used the product in the dark on an approaching stranger who turned out to be your Uncle Mike ready to ask for a lift. Perhaps you used the product on a windy day and enough blew back on you to cause distress. Perhaps people are just curious. "Antitode for pepper spray" remains one of the most popular internet searches.

There is no quick antidote for pepper spray. But there are things you can do to minimize the effects. The most effective solution is a combination of milk, honey, a mild detergent and a little baking soda; it will soothe the area and remove the chemical somewhat - however, only a tiny amount is required to continue burning. The victim should be encouraged to blink to tear away the irritant. Tearless baby shampoo sometimes works to cut the oily resin from your face and hair. Wash your hands several times with soap and water and wash your clothes separately from other items. Don't use oily lotions and do wash the area repeatedly with cold water. If you are inside, go outside in the fresh air.


Pepper spray is the preferred agent used by police to control unruly crowds or uncooperative suspects. It is the ideal device for women to carry in the purse and car. You never know. It's beter to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

Eugene Brenner is an authority on personal defense and safety items such as pepper spray, stun guns, Taser, personal alarms and diversion safes. He is webmaster of and