Cell Phones of the Future

Across the bustling busy city street, the gleam off the first metallic public time machine and teleportation device caught the young man's eye. The apparatus stands alluringly upright, capturing the young many pioneering imagination. The exterior of the machine reminds him of an old telephone booth he had once seen in the virtual 3D theater down the street. 'Who would have ever dreamed a hundred years ago transportation would have changed this much?' the young man thought. The machine of dreams of one who dared to dream has taken an improbability and made it a probability. A ticket to anywhere is now possible, for now any point can be reached. For two thousand American dollars you can be whisked away to anywhere and to anyplace in time, at your own risk of course. The young man journeyed towards the device and looked into the time machine staring at the controls, and wondering what the future might hold.

Even though the above story is science fiction, the above story of time travel is only impossible at this very moment. For those who dare to dream can make and pave our ways into a fantastic future.

I currently work for the largest cell phone company in the world. I am so amazed everyday at the advances in our industry. The ability to communicate around the world with the touch of a button is amazing. Whether you are a serviceman in Iraq who is sent a picture of his or her brand new baby, or person like myself who wants to share those special moments with their spouse down the street. The advances are amazing!

I think of the future of the cell phone industry, and the amazing innovations to come in the not so far future. The ability to be able to have a live streaming teleconference is just around the bend. I also think of high-speed Internet access at the speed of light, or being able to rent a movie in your van or car with the touch of a button. I also think of Europe at the very moment, the cell-phone user can purchase a snack in a machine with just the touch of the keypad.

So dare to dream my friends, for the future of innovation is in our hands. Those who dare to dream will hold the keys to the future of innovation.