Sunshine Friends

I first heard this phrase "Sunshine Friends" used by a very wise and elderly woman one day. She refered to them this way because these people lack the strength to go through the darkest hours with someone. They are first to turn and run. They are not the kind of person you could ever rely on. It takes a strong backbone to stay and support someone else who is suffering. It's not about running at the first sign of trouble.

Many people today who consider themselves a Christian will turn and run from God too when things get rough. They say, "Well, God it's been nice knowing You, but it's time to go." Christianity calls for strong individuals who can stick out the toughest times because they know that in the evening hours there will be weeping but the morning always brings the true joy. It's knowing that life is a growing process. A true Christian never says he "can't" because this word is not used in the Bible. Can't is just not an option. It's going through the tough times and knowing that Jesus will take you through to the other side, to the true joy of the morning.

There was one woman in the Bible named Oprah. She lived in a land where idolatry ran rampant. She lived in the world, in a city called Moab. Then one day a woman named Naomi along with her husband and two sons moved from Bethlehem, a city that served the One true living God and came to Moab because of a famine. Oprah married one of Naomi's sons and became a believer too. But, then a terrible thing happened. Naomi's husband and two sons died. This left Naomi all alone in a strange land and it left her two daughters-in-law, Oprah and Ruth widows as well.

Naomi heard how God had visited His people in Bethlehem by giving them food again. (Ruth 1:6) She decided to go back to her hometown but she told her daughters-in-law to stay in their own land. At first they both reputed her and said they would stay with her. But Naomi said, "Why will you go with me? I don't have any more sons for you to marry and even if I were to have more, they would be too young for you anyway." (Ruth 1:11-12) She tried to convince them that they should not wait on her or wait to remarry. (Ruth 1:13)

Their first reaction was to cry (Ruth 1:14). But only Oprah kissed her mother-in-law and said goodbye. Ruth clung to Naomi's side. Naomi pointed out to Ruth that Oprah has gone back to her own people and to be with her gods and advised for her to do the same.

This is a typical reaction of most people. When the going gets tough, they high tail it out of there. Oprah went back to her own people, to be in the world and to be with her "gods". We are like that today. We think we can't give up our "gods" either. How will we make it without our things? So, the first thing we do is cry to make it look sincere, and then we kiss our love of Christ goodbye. The world and our "gods" seem so much better.

But Ruth on the other hand was prepared to go the distance with Naomi. She had complete and total trust in her. Our trust in Christ needs to be strong enough for us too to know that the going may be shaky, but we will be ok. Ruth was not side tracked by the circumstances around her. We need this kind of sight as Christians in today's living. There are so many things that will hinder this sight unless we just step out in faith and go! Ruth had that kind of faith.

Ruth was very sincere when she told Naomi that she would go the distance with her no matter what. (Ruth 1:17) Is our walk with Christ that sincere today? Would we die for Him? When Naomi saw her sincerity, she decided to say no more to her. (Ruth 1:18) When Christ sees our sincerity He holds out His hand and says, "Follow Me," no more questions asked.

But what the enemy meant for evil, God meant for good. Naomi wanted to change her name from Naomi meaning "pleasant" to Mara which means "bitter" (Ruth 1:20). She assumed God was punishing her. How many times do we get "bitter" and assume the same thing? But, not so. God will put us through trials in order to get us where we need to be to receive His blessings. It was essential that all this took place because Ruth was in line for Christ's being. Satan will get us off our journey so we won't receive what God has for us. When we know this, we must be dedicated to follow through with God's plans, even though they may make no sense to us at the time. I'm sure Ruth was just as scared to set out on a new journey to the unknown. But if she hadn't gone, she would've missed out on so much more. Could you be missing out on something wonderful because of a lack of faith?

As a result of Ruth's total commitment God blessed her to meet and marry Boaz who saved her from being molested in the fields. He redeemed Ruth because it was an Old Testament Law since he was the next of kin that was available to redeem her. Christ redeemed us also and for that we should be eternaly grateful. Christ is also our Kinsman. He was fully God and fully human in order to be our Kinsman Who would redeem us also. He kept us from being molested also. We aren't just tip toeing through the tulips here, we have been bought back by Christ Who is our "Kinsman Redeemer" and we are His bride. We need to take our vows with Him very seriously. We can't bail just because we don't think something feels good or not.

Naomi told Ruth to go to Boaz. She did as she was told and asked Boaz to find favor with her (Ruth 2:13) At which point he did and made sure she was safe from harm. Christ will keep us safe too when we find favor in His sight. We do that by confessing our sins and commiting all our ways to Him. Here is where the weak Christian grows faint. But, this is not a game of Hide and Seek. It's time to stand out and be counted.

As a result of her obedience to Naomi, she married Boaz and they produced a son named Obed. The women of Bethlehem said to Naomi, "Blessed be the Lord, Who has not left you this day without a close kinsman, and may his name be famous in Israel." (Ruth 4:14) God never left her and as she had a close kinsman, so do we, His name is Jesus.

Then they said, "May he be to you a restorer of life and a nourisher and supporter in your old age, for your daughter-in-law who loves you, who is better to you than seven sons, has borne him." (Ruth 4:15)

Christ is our restorer of life and He nourishes and supports us in our old age also. Because Ruth loved Naomi so much, God blessed Naomi with a restorer who was better than her own sons. Christ says if we aren't willing to give up mother or father or children for His sake, we aren't fit for the kingdom of heaven. We need to love Christ first over all. Naomi had learned to love her daughter-in-law more than her own sons, she loved God enough to let them go. Are we willing to love God that much today?

So God's blessings came through Ruth because she bore Obed and Obed bore Jesse who fathered king David and of course David was in Christ's lineage.

So, sometimes God gives us things to overcome before He will bless us. These hard times are what separates the real men from the boys or the real Christians from the professing Christian. Do you have what it takes to follow Christ? What are you willing to give up to follow him? If you are like Oprah and run back to her "gods", you won't receive the blessings either.

Be like Ruth in your conquest for the glory of the kingdom. It takes alot of hard work and effort, but God will not lead you astray. Whatever He started in your life, He has vowed to finish it to the end.

There is always a happy ending with Jesus who is the beginning of our journey.

If you're not sure you have what it takes to go on this journey, just confess your sins to God and accept His Son Christ as Lord over your life. He will give you the strength to keep going in the midst of the darkest storms. Remember, there is always joy in the morning!

Ruth came through the weeping and ended up laughing and leeping with joy!

Vivian Gordon - EzineArticles Expert Author

Vivian Gordon writes inspirational and spiritual articles in which to help strengthen the Believer's walk in Christ. They are often taken from today's point of view and used in conjunction with what God says about certain situations and how we are to handle them. There is always an answer for every problem. These articles are not all about asking God "why?" but in finding the answers.