Accept It, Life's Not So Tough!

Life is about self-discovery. The paths we choose in life, the experiences that shape and mold our future, all lead us ultimately to define who and what we are. We hope this process is a constant evolution and that we are constantly challenging ourselves to achieve higher levels of personal growth. But do you really believe in yourself?

For some, their role in life seemed preordained from birth. You know the type of person I'm talking about. Those few who just seem to fit perfectly into whatever they have chosen to do. The role they are playing, whatever that is, is natural, flawless. For these people everything in life seems quite literally to be second nature. Flowing like water past every form of resistance, seemingly guided by some force beyond our understanding, their success in life is effortless. Why is this so for some and not for others? Why do most of us struggle?

Have you ever considered your grandest vision of who and what you wish to become? Do you really know what your role in this life should be? Have you fully accepted yourself and the path you have chosen? Without acceptance of who and what we are it is impossible to achieve any measure of success.

It has been my observation that the one thing that holds us back is our lack of acceptance. No tricks, no magic, just a true resolve and belief in reaching whatever goal we have set for ourselves. The problem is we are often steeped in the fear of failure. It is this fear that keeps us from acceptance and success.

I will tell you that I was not one of those people who found everything in life easy to achieve. My path has always been difficult. I've had many struggles and many failures in my life. I've had to work harder than most at everything I've ever attempted because I was lacking the one critical element I needed to move beyond my self-induced limitations. I struggled because of a fear that I was not worthy to fulfill my destiny. This fear caused me to be unable to accept the grandest vision of myself.

It has taken me many years of introspection to conquer this fear and overcome the lack of belief in myself. However, once I began to practice acceptance, to allow myself to believe in my inner strength, the quality of my life changed dramatically. Suddenly I had limitless potential and the results have been profound.

Acceptance boosted my self-confidence. With this new found gift I experienced a large growth in my abilities. I was able to cast aside feelings of inadequacy and an ego shrouded in fear, by simply accepting my grandest vision of myself. I have accepted my skills, my abilities and my natural gifts. I believe in myself! I believe in my limtless potential.

If you really want to begin to improve the qualtiy of your life then make a resolution to begin right now practicing the power of acceptance. Accept yourself, your talents, your gifts and your abilities. Everyday, reflect on your amazing talents and skills. Stop limiting yourself and start believing in your inner strength and you too will find that life is not so tough!

Rodger Ruge - EzineArticles Expert Author

Rodger Ruge is a retired police officer, stress management trainer and author of The Warrior's Mantra, Barricade Books Inc, June 2005. For more information please visit Rodger's website at