Where Is Your Side Seam?

That may seem like a dumb question, but it really isn't.

You may answer, "At my side, of course!"

But, "where" at your side?

Do you know where your side seam should be?

Most folks believe that their side seams are halfway between their front and their back. That's because ready-to-wear and sewing pattern companies make their products for evenly balanced bodies.

How many people do you know who are evenly balanced front to back?

Most of us have larger tummies that offset that balance. The side seam pulls to the front to accommodate the extra bulge. Envision a pregnant gal or a beer bellied guy. If their side seams were halfway on their garments, the seams would fall in front of their legs. That's a bit extreme, but you get the picture.

Some of us have protruding derrieres. The side seam pulls to the back.

Your side seam should be in the middle of the side of your leg about about where your ankle is and go straight up in a perpendicular line to the middle of your underarm.

Use a plumb line to help you identify this line on your body.

Measure your front. Measure your back. Full body measurements won't do it! Alter your sewing patterns to accommodate your unique body to get good fit. You need more fabric where you have more bulge!

It just makes sense!


- by Marian Lewis