How To Be A Big Fat Loser

Now that we are well into the new year and we have all failed on our New Years resolution to lose that weight, it is time to stop feeling like a big fat loser and become one by losing all the fat you gained. And I am here to tell you how to do it in seven easy to follow steps.

1) Cut all the sugar out of your diet
2) Reduce the size of your portions
3) Always eat breakfast.
4) Never let yourself go hungry, it slows down your metabolism
5) Never eat after 8 pm.
6) Drink a minimum of 64 ounces of water everyday
7) Get at least 30 minutes of exercise each day

It is just that easy. It takes a little discipline and some support from family and friends but, you can lose as much weight as you want to over time.

First and foremost I would like to make the point that weight loss is created in the kitchen not the gym. So, we need to stop eating foods that are putting weight on us and start eating foods that will help us shed pounds.

Sugar is the number one culprit for adding body fat and keeping body fat on. You can replace sugar with Steviva Brand Stevia Blend, it measures and pours exactly like sugar it is all natural and has no calories or carbohydrates.

You will need to monitor the carbohydrate content of your diet and make some adjustments. Carbs are burned by the body to produce energy. Any carbs that are not burned off from exercise or activity will be stored as body fat by your body. And we don