Confidence is the Key to a Great Blog - Earning Friendships and Millions

Sophia Loren said: "Getting ahead in a difficult profession requires avid faith in yourself. That is why some people with mediocre talent, but with great inner drive, go so much further than people with vastly superior talent." It is the truth that reveals the reason behind so many persons getting more success although they may be inferior in talent than you.

Whether you have to appear for an interview, do business or run a popular blog you need to be confident in your ability. Many talented writers write in the blogs but they don't get as popular as the blog runners of much less talent. Actually a man with confidence is able to communicate more powerfully with simple sentences. Confidence generates a sort of magnet in his simple words. This is the reason why condident persons are genrally successful in running business or getting good jobs. Now see who is having more friends - the fellow who is confident.

In ancient times although the means of communication and transport were few and very slow yet the religions spread at astonishing speed to far-off corners of the world. It was the miracle of the law of faith. A religion always demands unquestioning and committed faith in Guru and God. The whole energy of the followers is expected to nurture the grand tree of religion. Absolute faith transforms your mind and body into a powerful magnet. It attracts the desired object towards you.

Even in modern world see the new religious gurus. They are very successful although your children may be having more talent.

It is wisely said that faith can conquer the world.


CEO: News of India Network
Director: LSE-India, Global English Training.
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