How to Keep Your Husband Happy

Every person says that marriage is a trouble, a curtailment to our freedom; still no one wants to live without a spouse. There is a great thrill in the beginning years of romance or marriage life. After some time husband-wife relation starts lacking romance and warmness. They feel a sort of chill in the relations. There are more fights and boredom. Both are obsessed with routine works and daily tensions. But a wife can take initiative and improve the relations with a simple five step plan. If you keep thinking that the husband should take the first steps then problem may linger on.

1. Kiss Him and Discuss about his Feelings

It has been found that most of the ladies are more concerned with the feelings of their own. They need attention and care, agreed. But they will get more satisfaction if they realise that their hubbies are also human beings passinig through the swings of various feelings. If they continue getting special attention (that you provided in the begining of relationship) they will love you more.

2. Daily Appreciation

To satisfy the ego of your husband you need to give him daily appreciation. OK both of you are having weaknesses and hit eachother. Now find out the plus points of your husband and praise. See how you get a new zest in your married life.

3. Often Make Picnic Programmes

It is good to go out together, especially on picnic programmes. You will get in ithe habit of enjoying eachother together. Although it is good to take your children with you yet go only both of you now and then.

4. Buy Gifts for HIm

Always give surprise gifts to husband. Even if the children are grown up he needs a feeling that someone is having a special value for him. Gifts show it warmly.

5. A Special Attention Always

Don't treat your partner as a common thing that you see daily. Give special attention on your dresses, and beauty (like you used to give before marriage and just after marriage). And provide more attention to the needs of your loved one. With this habit even your children will respect you more.

If take all these five steps regularly both of you will have undying love between you.

"Love seems the swiftest but it is the slowest of all growths. No man or woman really knows what perfect love is until they have been married a quarter of a century." ~Mark Twain


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