Entrepreneurs, Industry Associations and Bucking the System

Occasionally entrepreneurs find them selves in a pickle with industry associations. Oh they love you when you are up and coming and use you as an example of the industry and shower you with awards, mostly to make them selves look good. But then when you keep innovating and start taking out the competition thru better customer services, prices and better employees, they start to get a little concerned.

Additionally if you are a hands on, kick ass, take no prisoners, super star you will continually innovate in the market place and end up turning the industry up on its head. Well, then they no longer find you the up and coming darling, but rather a demon in the industry, because you are making them all look bad. Why? Because they are relaxing with the status quo and enjoying the fruits without risk or attempting to put in research and development for forward progression to sustain the industry. This is how industries stagnate. Even though such entrepreneurial new blood is needed, it is truly a love you, hate you relationship as they attempt to build you up and then tear you down.

Recently in an online forum in the car wash industry, our company was attacked and me personally, so I responded back;