Secrets to Selecting a Home Pressure Washer

When selecting a home pressure washer there are some things you should know. First there are units at Wal-Mart for as low as $80.00 and although they are not of durable quality, if you are only going to wash your car once or twice a month they will work fine. If you are planning on using it around the house occasionally and cleaning your car twice per month, you may wish to spend $180 to $250 on a pretty decent electric one or $250 to $350 for a gasoline unit.

A good direct drive pressure washer with a Honda Motor of 5-8 hp is about 2K, but if these groups are only using it for one day they can go buy the Home Depot/ Sears/ Price Club special for around $250-350. These units make great pressure washers for car wash fundraisers or cleaning equipment in a business. You can even donate them for use with your kid