How to Save Up to 50% of You Auto Insurance

Please note: These tips apply to North America drivers, I am not sure about other countries.

Tip 1: You can NOT save the cost of attending a driving school
The reason to go to a driving school is not only get somebody to teach you how to drive, its more about get a FULL course certificate. This certificate will save you a minimum 10%. The price you pay for the driving school might vary between %300 to $1000, depends on your area, but this price will difinitely pay off in the long run. Don't try to save this money.

Tip 2: Get Group Discounted Prices
If you are an engineer, be a member of it, if you love golf, join a golf club. But before you do that, make sure the organization can get discounted insurance for you OR not. Do a local search and find which associations can get you those deals, apply for the membership right away. The membership fee should go over $100 every year, but the saving could go up to 50%.

Tip 3: Talk to different brokers
Different people have different mood at different time. If you are calling at a good time, you might talk to somebody just engage, then its very easy for you to hit the bottom price. If you call at a not-so-good time, you might want to try later. Because they have a bottom line there, you can hit it with a few calls.

Tip 4: Upgrade your license ASAP
Take canada for example, if you driving on G2 license, you might think to get G license ASAP. The difference between the two levels could be $600 per year. That's not small money, because you are going to pay insurance for many years. Save early.

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