Training for Triathlons and Prospecting is the Same

The similarities between endurance athletic events like the Triathlon and Prospecting are almost scary. I had no idea they were so much a like when I decided that I should run Triathlons. It just seemed that this old body needed some rejuvenation, and triathlons aren't as boring as just running forever, they add the possibility of drowning or crashing your bike!

Anyway, the only way to train for endurance sports like swimming, bicycling, and running is to set aside a specific time 5 days a week for training. In my case this is usually Long Slow Distance (LSD) work. This is how I can build a training base for endurance. I judge the level of my training by using a heart rate monitor that tells me how hard I am working. There is a range within which I should train for at least an hour a day.

My only other responsibility is to be sure that I am using the form that is most efficient for each of the events, so that practice really does make perfect. If you practice wrong, then you develop the skill "perfectly wrong." I don't want to do that.

Then, all I need to do it DO IT. If I calculate the correct heart rate zone, train on a daily basis, and practice the correct form, then I should be ready to perform in each of the Triathlons I enter.

The same basic factors apply to Prospecting. First of all Prospecting is an endurance event. You benefit most by Prospecting on a regular basis for a long time, long slow Prospecting - LSP.

Secondly, you need to make sure you are doing it correctly, the right form. We, of course, suggest our BLITZ CALL