Are You Receiving Answers from Others, Connecting to Entities or to God, Your Higher Self?

We all, every being, both in physical form and in non-physical form are of Divine essence, and we all have Source energy within us. All beings, all entities throughout the universe also have free will and choice.

There are beings of Light in the Higher Realms that are so beautifully pure, such as the Angels. There are other entities of various names that other people channel, who have beautifully supportive messages, and who have helped many people.

What happens if you depend on someone else to channel information for you after that person is no longer here? Or perhaps they stopped for whatever reason? Where is the source of your answers going to come from then?

No matter what name you give it, be it God, All That Is, Holy Spirit, Divine Source, Creator, I AM, Higher Self, Christ Consciousness, this is the one and only source that YOU can turn to, forever, and for eternity for guidance, clarification, direction, help, understanding, support and answers, for free, for the rest of your life, and this connection cannot ever be extinguished, cannot ever be taken away from you, and will never fail you.

You have free will and choice. So whoever you choose to connect to in the Higher realms is solely and completely up to you. What I do NOT want to see is anyone being disempowered by DEPENDING on anyone else in this universe for answers, because God, your Higher Self will give them to you always. THIS is authentic empowerment for humanity.

The key here is that you are authentically empowered and dependent upon NO ONE other than your Own Divine Connection. If you want some answers, all you need to do is ask for them. You can ask in a writing, or from your mind, or for a realization to come to you during sleep. You can ask anywhere, anytime, and for anything that you are not sure about, and you will receive the answers you need.

There is nothing "wrong" with connecting to anyone in the non- physical realm, such as a departed loved one, an Angel, etc. What I hope to share with you here is that you have the identical ability to bring through any and every answer as anyone else on earth does, and it feels a LOT more empowering to know, with ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY that you can do this. It is crucial that you are authentically empowered and bring through the answers that you are seeking.

Never depend upon anyone else or "follow" anyone else but your own heart, your own truth, and know that when you start to "follow" this is not helping you to BE. There is no one in this universe who is above or below you. You are of Divine essence. God, your Higher Self is the all supportive, unfailing, purely loving, unconditionally understanding, Highest Source that works In You, As You and Through You with every breath you take.

Write to God, your Higher Self. Ask from your heart. You will receive answers, and once you know you are, in fact, receiving answers, I do promise you that any question you ever have, for any matter, no matter how large or small it is, WILL be answered with pure love, and according to what id for your Highest Good.

Please trust this so that you are never dependent upon anyone, other than God, Your Higher Self who is within every breath you take.

Barbara Rose, Ph.D. - EzineArticles Expert Author

Barbara Rose, Ph.D. most widely known as