Get Over It!

Did you know that January is national "Get Over It Month"? Incidentally, that is one of my favorite Eagles songs. But, think about it. "Get Over It" raises a great point. Whatever baggage you have been carrying around about why you are not as successful as you would like to be should be ditched. Get over it now and forever.

One of my personal pet peeves is whining. Whining is a huge waste of time and energy. I know I have said this a hundred times before but it's up to you to make it work. Sure, there are external influences that can cause plans not to go the way we think they should, but that should just be a temporary setback.

Too often, we lapse into "if only" and never move beyond that to "I think I can." If you think it and follow up with a plan of action, you will get it accomplished.

When I was fired many years ago, my first reaction was to feel sorry for myself. Well yes, everyone needs a little sympathy especially if the job loss is completely unexpected. However, that needs to be for a limited time. Take action immediately with positive thoughts about how situation can be better than the old one.

The same process should occur whatever the problem with which you are struggling. Take time to assess and strategize and then move on to the next level.

So, whatever difficulty you see coming your way in 06 "Get Over It" and seize the opportunity for a better or improved situation. Consider moving day and leave all of the baggage behind. Here are some tips to make the transition a little bit smoother:

Share your story:

In my cased I shared my stored about being fired, not once, but three times. And where am I now? I'll tell you that I am a whole lot better off. The fact that I was fired motivates the thousands who write me when they are stunned or mortified about losing their jobs. In fact, I feel so strongly about how to help people in this situation I have written dozens of articles about it.

Tackle a new task:

If you have always wanted to try something new, now is the time to start. Keep in mind that what you do should affect your personal visibility. Speaking and writing are two of the things that will bring visibility almost immediately. Seeing your name in print is an immediate ego booster. I have created dozens of tools to help you get started and make this a snap.

Connect and Commit:

We all love a hero/heroine and you can be one too. Commit to help others with the same problem or issues. Volunteer to do something that will benefit others. In my case, writing career and professional development articles which are syndicated and read by thousands.

Here's an easy one. Use this resource to help you get over it. Feel free to write to me or suggest a topic (nontechnical) of interest for our readers.

JoAnn Hines - EzineArticles Expert Author

These tips and more come from the extensive library of personal branding tools developed by JoAnn Hines the Chief People Packager available in the "Packaging Yourself Workbook."

If you have a question or issue that needs an answer please let me know.