Supplements and Your Pet's Diet

Pets, much like their human companions, are individuals. Like us, they have unique nutritional needs, requiring different levels of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Many times, even the highest quality pet foods, while providing the majority of nutrients pets need, cannot fulfill the individual nutrition requirements of every pet. In fact, no single food will be the right food for every pet at every life stage. Puppies/kittens, pregnant pets, lactating pets, older pets, hard-working pets, and pets with medical conditions all have different nutritional requirements. Supplements can help fulfill these requirements.

A supplement is something added to a pet's diet on a regular basis - typically to make up for a deficiency of some sort, or to improve/enhance overall health by targeting a specific health issue. Supplements are given in many forms - a healthy food (such as yogurt, cottage cheese, or cooked eggs), a multi-vitamin, a mineral paste, fiber granules, and so on. Pets with bright eyes, a shiny coat, soft skin, and a healthy energy level probably do not need supplements, especially if they're eating a healthy pet food. However, animals with lackluster eyes and coat, dry skin, and low energy levels can definitely benefit from supplements. Pets who receive sufficient amounts of vitamins, minerals, fats, protein, and fiber experience better skin and coat condition, increased energy, higher resistance to stress, and improvements in general overall health.

Supplementing with Premium Pet Food

Many premium pet food makers choose healthy, quality ingredients that would provide most pets with virtually all the nutrients they need. However, since no two pets are alike, no single food will be the right food for every pet. Further, since some pets cannot digest and metabolize all pet food ingredients, they will not receive all the nutrients provided in the food. Supplements can help fulfill each individual pet's individual nutritional needs and deficiencies.

Supplements for specific life situations, events, and stages

Pets' lives include unique challenges that can best be met with the aid of excellent nutrition. To ensure your pet is always in top form, feed a healthy, quality food, and supplement when necessary. Following are examples of pets who may benefit from supplements.