Nature's Home Remedy for Nail Fungus

Home Remedy for Nail Fungus - Oregano Oil

Also referred to as onychomycosis, toenail fungus or nail fungus is an extremely common condition that, if left untreated, can become quite unsightly and painful. Beginning as a light colored spot under the tip of the toenail, this fungus can continue to spread until the entire toenail becomes thick and yellow with crumbling edges. If no treatment is given to destroy the fungus, the fungus will continue to grow and eventually the toenail will have a distorted shape, the color may become green, brown, or black. If allowed to grow unchecked the fungus will deteriorate the condition of the toenail and a foul odor will be present. At this point the nail may become completely detached from the toe and there may be some significant pain in the toe itself.

Fortunately, toenail fungus does not have to be accepted as a distasteful part of life. There are many treatments available to eradicate the fungus that causes this unpleasant condition. Research has shown that oregano oil is just as effective as over the counter and prescription medications, however, it is gentler on sensitive skin and typically costs less.

Used both topically and internally, oil of oregano is a potent, natural antiseptic. Researchers have found that it is very effective specifically in fighting yeast, bacterial and fungal infections. Not to be confused with the spice oregano, which is actually oregano marjoram, the essential oil of oregano is distilled from the leaves of the oregano plant. The active ingredients in this product are thymol and carvacrol, which may constitute up to 90% of the oil in the highest quality of brands. It is important when purchasing this product, usually at a health food store or online, that you use a reputable dealer. Studies have shown that portions of the oil of oregano products on the market are actually made from the oregano marjoram that you can find in your cupboard. This product actually contains no therapeutic properties.

Taken internally, oil of oregano has been shown to be comparable to penicillin in fighting the Staphylococcus, E. coli, and Listeria and over 25 other powerful bacteria. This powerful natural oil has also been used with great success to eradicate intestinal parasites. Oil of oregano can be used to eliminate excessive amounts of the yeast candida in the body. Several weeks of continuous use have been shown to cure even the most difficult cases of yeast infection. The gum disease gingivitis and athlete's foot are also treatable with oil of oregano. Oregano oil has received much attention for its ability to combat fungal infections of the toenail.

There are no known negative drug interactions associated with oregano oil. However, it is quickly absorbed and should be taken with food to prevent upset stomach and heartburn. Although oregano oil is much gentler than many chemical treatments for toenail fungus, it may irritate sensitive skin, especially around the eyes and should never be used on the skin at full strength. If using this volatile oil topically it should always be diluted with another pure vegetable oil. Before using this product it is wise to do an allergy test by swabbing some of the oil on the inner arm. If the skin becomes red, swollen, or itchy, do not use it on other parts of the body.

To treat toenail fungus apply a mixture of oregano oil and olive, almond, or other pure vegetable oil to all areas of the toenail and finger that are affected by the fungus. The oil will absorb into the toenail and kill the fungus. This treatment should be done two to three times daily. It is essential to complete this therapy daily for four to six months. Even as the fungus dies and the toenail begins to clear it is vital to continue the treatment until the infected portion of the toenail has completely grown out.

Once the fungus has been eradicated and the toenail is completely healthy, it is vital to take steps to ensure that the fungus does not return. If you typically have a salon pedicure, be sure that it is a reputable one that understands the importance of sterilizing all manicure equipment. It also may be necessary to discontinue using toenail polish as it can trap moisture under the polish and encourage the growth of fungus. It is also important to keep the hands clean, especially after contacting fungus that may reside on other toenails because of the contagious nature of the fungus.

Wear socks that allow the feet to breathe, such as those made from natural fibers such as cotton. If you have exceptionally sweaty feet, give them ample time to dry out during the day, if possible. Never pick at toenails or skin around the toenails; as open skin is essentially an open door for germs. Keeping toenails clean and trimmed is important because fungus can make a home under the toenail.

Additional factors that put you at risk for nail fungus infections are cigarette smoking, diabetes, and working in an environment that causes continual sweating. By knowing the causes and the simple, effective treatment of natural apple cider vinegar, toenail fungus should no longer be a health concern. In addition to these precautions, maintaining general good health will also lower your risk of developing toenail fungus. Because fungus is only able to grow if your immune system is unable to fight it, take steps to see that your immune system is strong by eating well, getting enough rest, and exercising. To read this article and over 75 more articles about nail fungus, toenail fungus, athlete's foot or candida visit or

Dr. Jonathan N. Group, B.S., R.D., D.C. is a Doctor of Chiropractic, Registered Dietitian and Independent Research Scientist. He has over 15 years of educational and research experience in health care focusing in clinical nutrition, alternative medicine, holistic healing, chiropractic, medical testing, rehabilitation, physical medicine, nutritional counseling, wellness, and personal training. His seminar presentation experience includes various topics including but not limited to health, healing, nutrition, weight loss, alternative medicine, fitness, rehabilitation, back health and overall wellness. He is the co-owner and founder of Fungus Research, L.L.C., a company dedicated to conquering fungal infections such as nail fungus, toenail fungus, candida, yeast infections and athlete's foot.