Installing Nucleus Onto Your H4P Server

In this article I will explain how to download and install the Blog software Nucleus on your server. Nucleus is customisable in every way and you can have different authors using the same blog. I will be installing onto the server as this article is aimed at those who use H4P.

Note: If you use a different host company most, if not all the instructions will hold true. Just the terminology will be a bit different.

The only requirements are that you have a free MySQL database on your server and that your server runs PHP4+. If you are installing onto Host4Profit servers then you meet the requirements.

First of all download the software from onto your desktop and then unzip it making sure you keep the directory structure.

Next you will need to upload everything onto your server into a directory of your choice. I recommend using the name nucleus as then you will know what the directory is. To upload the files to your server you will need to use a FTP program, your File Manager on your server, or if you use Windows XP its