Your Higher Purpose In Life

What is my Higher Purpose in Life? You have probably asked this question many times, not knowing if you would receive an answer. The answer is quite simple.

Your higher purpose in life is to know Peace in each situation.

Your higher purpose in life is to see the beauty that surrounds you.

Your higher purpose in life is to pause for a moment to see the grace of a single blossom.

Your higher purpose in life is to be still and in the quiet of the moment, know that you are: One with all things.

Your higher purpose in life is to share where you are, so others may take courage in whatever they are experiencing.

Your higher purpose in life is to see with a sense of wonder, how all experiences and all events are so wisely orchestrated for your healing by a "Higher" Power.

Your higher purpose in life is to let yourself be, with all gentleness, and will all acceptance of whatever you are doing or feeling.

Your higher purpose in life is to take time to listen