Spirituality: Is Death Toxic To You?

There has been for some time the belief circulating that death is somehow supposed to release us from our pain and suffering here in this reality and usher in a new and deeper connection with our true spiritual nature.

The associated belief is that this will somehow either bring us closer to the Divine and/or to another chance to further our evolution individually and/or collectively.

Such beliefs have come from the world religions and are also held by many, including healthcare practitioners of all stripes and colors. In other words, despite the efforts of individuals to "ward off death" they at the same time believe that it is a good thing, part of life and so on.

In this light I have a simple question:

"Is death and dying toxic to you or not?"

In order to answer this question one first must have firmly in hand a definition of the word "toxic". So what is that definition for you?

I ask you to contemplate that for a moment.

I want to stress here that you clearly must have a definition if you have spent any time attempting to stay healthy. That is because anything that has made you unhealthy is likely considered by you as something inherently "toxic" to you.

So what does "toxic" mean to you?

Well when you were unhealthy, what ever that "toxic" thing was that was making you unhealthy was likely making you feel ill, drained of energy, tired, uncomfortable, less functional, emotional and/or physical pain, a breakdown in some of your mind/body functions etc.

In other words it was compromising the functional and structural state of you mind/body.

Another way of saying this is that that toxic thing was pushing you closer to death i.e. it was killing you. In other words it was causing you to die faster. After all isn